For Advertisers

Grow your business with Skippo Ads

Skippo is the largest boater community in the Nordics with almost one million users. So whether you are in the marine business, run a near-water business or just generally understand the potential of reaching and communicating with an audience of truly engaged boaters, Skippo is the way to reach boaters in the Nordics.

Reach an engaged, attentative and loyal community

0 K+
Active users
0 M
User session
0 M

Put your business on our map

Skippo is the largest boatlife community in the Nordics and the most used app for boatlife planning and navigation. With Skippo On-Map Ads, we can help connect your business with our community and make you highly visible and relevant for our users.

Connect with our boater audience

Skippo is a platform to reach, connect with and sell to the Nordic community of boaters, a highly attractive target audience whether you’re looking to strengthen your brand, build awareness, deliver promotions or acquire new customers. The opportunities are many and Skippo can provide solutions for in-app advertising, banner-based and customised email broadcasts, social media collaborations or native content.